November 30, 2022 - Written by: Victoria Sackett
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Forgotten Friends

Etsy collage of GH cover imagesI owe an apology to Good Housekeeping.

After years of loyally clipping its homey recipes, I heartlessly abandoned GH for what seemed to be a shinier object. All it took was one Julia Child Christmas dinner in the late 60s (filet of beef stuffed with pate and truffles) prepared by my Upper West Side Original Hipster stepmother to make me switch my allegiance. A LIFE magazine reporter and researcher, she’d gotten ahold of early galley proofs for The French Chef Cookbook. She taped the pages around the kitchen, and we were launched in a flashy new cooking direction.

Off we went on the subway to the poultry district for chicken feetMacys Dept Store Herald Square from Wikipedia (stock for something), to Macy’s food court for pate, and to the meat packing district for the best of beef. Each ingredient had an entire neighborhood devoted to it in Manhattan, and making that meal was like a treasure hunt. (Did I mention this was before kids?)

So for decades, we continued to fall in love with one well-known chef and cookbook after another — many of them discovered by KD’s own Nancy Pollard. Good Housekeeping, alas, was likely not among them. That changed this past summer, when Nancy assigned me the salad course to amplify a Pollard feast. I hit Google, searching for something festive and fresh, and up popped Shaved Carrot and Radish Salad — the Good Housekeeping recipe included below as our bonus recipe honoring the fifth Tuesday in the month. It. Was. Delicious. Jewel tones, crisp textures, sweet/citrusy flavors. This is a perfect salad for year-round enjoyment, and all brought to you by Good Housekeeping. I feel bad that I was so surprised by the recipe’s provenance.

Tried, True, and Triple-tested

Victoria Sacket prep for shaved salad from Good HousekeepingI should never have turned my back on Good Housekeeping in the first place.

In all honesty, I don’t think they missed me. GH has been faring quite nicely, thanks, while I was straying. The magazine has thrived for more than 130 years, guided by its original mission to “produce and perpetuate perfection — or as near unto perfection as may be attained in the household.”

According to

Today, Good Housekeeping along with its legendary consumer product testing facility the Good Housekeeping Institute [originally called the Good Housekeeping Experiment Station] and consumer emblems, the Good Housekeeping Seal and Green Good Housekeeping Seal, is an American institution. Purchased in the U.S. by Hearst in 1911, Good Housekeeping now has nearly 17 million readers of the print and digital editions, over 45 million readers on its website, and almost 7 million social media followers.

The truth is, none of us should be surprised that Good Housekeeping creates stunning, modern recipes, as it triple-tests thousands of them in its test kitchen. No wonder a Good Housekeeping seal is a such mark of distinction. So, I’m back GH, and I apologize for letting my affections wander.

Shaved Carrot And Radish Salad
Perfect for fall and winter or even spring - this is our favorite post groaning board salad.
  1. For the vinaigrette
  2. 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice
  3. 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  4. 1 tablespoon honey
  5. Fine sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  6. 3 tablespoons good quality olive oil
For the salad
  1. 4 mixed colored carrots, peeled and shaved lengthwise - about 3 cups (710ml)
  2. 4 radishes, shaved into round (about 1 cup or 237ml)
  3. 2 stalks celery thinly sliced, (about 2 cups or 473ml)
  4. 1 small beet, peeled and shaved into half moon rounds (about 1 cup or 237ml)
  5. 1 cup (237ml) watercress, moderately destemmed
  6. 2 small oranges, rind removed and sliced into half moons (seeds removed)
  7. 1/2 cup (118ml) fresh mint leaves, torn if large
  1. In a bowl, whisk together orange and lemon juices, honey and 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and pepper.
  2. Arrange vegetables and mint leaves on a platter and then drizzle the dressing over the salad before serving.
  1. Nancy has to peel her celery, even thought that is not demanded in the recipe. Victoria adds citrus rind if it needs to be more citrus-y.
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1 year ago

Nancy, as usual you rock!
The Other Nancy

1 year ago

You write the best stuff AND find the best contributors!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nancy McKeon

That is praise indeed, coming from you!

1 year ago

I have my mom’s Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook from the 80s. Some of it is very “of the time” but a lot of it is just classic. I then picked up a version of GH from the 60s at a bookstore in New Orleans. I love comparing the two – the 60s were a time. Stay true! 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Jennifer

My mom’s copy is deeply stained and missing covers. A true cooking treasure!

Kathleen Whittenberger
1 year ago

Is the beet raw?

Kathleen Whittenberger
1 year ago


7 months ago

How Many Servings would you suggest this makes – I want to bring it as a dish for Easter.