Sometimes you are lucky enough to have good neighborhood karma. And we did in our discovery of Dave and Sherrie Arnold, who live in Alexandria. You ship to or drop your knives off at their business in Del Ray. He got his culinary training as a chef at Johnson and Wales and worked as a food professional for over 20 years. He saw the need for just this type of service, and it is right here — pretty much next door! His mail- order knife sharpening instructions are really simple to follow or, if you live in the DMV, you can drop them off at the bin in his driveway and then pick them up when you get an email notice that your blades are ready for pick-up. You will follow the same procedure as the mail-order process, but indicate that it is a drop-off and pick-up. I taped a copy of my internet order onto my bag of knives. Kind of like sharpening things in Mayberry.
Obviously, the type of knife, whether it is European or Japanese, decides the method. Sometimes Dave has to use more than one process, depending on
He found, as we did, that even though angle-setting guides and clamps are available, years of practice make sharpening more effective if done by hand. While he will sharpen Lawn & Garden Hand Tools for $10, he does not do scissors, as that requires entirely different equipment. He also offers a knife sharpening service for your serrated knives, which is quite unusual. Serrated knives are sharpened using a unique technique.
So don’t wait for 20 years, as some our clients and Dave’s, before you take advantage of this wonderful service. If you have a knife inherited from your
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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