But did you know that we now have an interesting public/private partnership for composting developing in Alexandria? Its roots are in the Twitter
@FoodandCompost‘s offshoot is a Facebook page now called CompostAlex.com, which has detailed the inspiring and ongoing story of creating compost collection and production in Alexandria. What we have is a real partnership between the City government and its citizens. I first noticed people in my neighborhood carrying little beige, covered plastic containers to the Saturday Farmers’ Market at Market Square. The City sets up a tent with covered containers, informative brochures, and the ubiquitous composting containers for sale at a reasonable price. You fill your container with vegetable and fruit waste (flower arrangements too) and bring it to their station on Saturdays. There are now composting stations at four Alexandria Farmers’ Markets.
Currently, the program that I participate in is operated by the City of Alexandria’s Department of Transportation and Environmental Services. It’s a food scrap drop-off program that collects materials at farmers markets and then has the material composted at a Prince George’s County industrial facility. The City wants to see if the public will engage in composting, given the opportunity. To be involved, a person gathers food scraps from their home, and bring their collected finery to a Farmers Market Day drop-off program. CompostAlex promotes public awareness of this pilot project.
CompostAlex does not take in food scraps directly, but instead directs people to participate in the City of Alexandria’s food scrap drop-off program, or through a local business’s composting program. In the DMV region, food scrap compost is either composted in a backyard, at a local school compost site, in a specified community garden designed for food scrap composting, or at the PG County facility. The majority of current food scrap collections is believed to be composted in PG County.
People can purchase bags of compost made from the PG County facility at local Home Depots, Ace Hardware stores, and garden centers. Here’s a link to the list of PG County garden-ready compost retailers. Note that if the compost is in a bag called Leaf Gro, then it comes from wood waste that is composted. Currently, the other compost product called Leaf Gro Gold comes from composting food scraps, and it’s available only for bulk purchases through the PG County facility. A customer must call them to set up the purchase.
This publicly and privately supported composting service is part of a larger movement comprised of individual municipal efforts, which are
Take a look a few other community composters : 1) LA Compost located in Los Angeles, 2) Rust Belt Riders located in Cleveland, 3) Compost Now located in Raleigh,
4A) DC’s Food Scrap Drop-off and 4B) DC’s Park’s and Rec Community Composting program, and 5) Red Hook Farms in New York City. Both the large-scale composting adoption and smaller scale community composting are independent movements and represent a growing trend of our society becoming involved with composting personal food scraps. The emerging “umbrella” of compost movements is taking shape, and people are stepping up to lead so that composting becomes part of our society’s normal infrastructure.
If you don’t have a program in your neighborhood, use this information to get one started! Remember, we used not to separate paper, glass and plastic for recycling and now we do.
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