Conversation Starters I subscribe to a terrific Italian language learning platform in which the creators designed a twenty four-seven Virtual…
Moving On From Margarine In May of 2023 I wrote a post with a brief history of margarine and its…
Cin-Cin I love a great cocktail but not the overdone cruise-ship concoctions described online by their habitués. Daiquiris when the…
Where Are The Eggs? A funny thing happened to me in the grocery store, when I first arrived in Bologna.…
Science Intrudes It may have been in The Joy Of Cooking where I read that when you boil potatoes, you…
The Great Divide One of the cultural chasms between the west and east sides of the great Atlantic pond is…
Bologna Brouhaha Several KD readers sent me the link to this opinion piece about the desecration of her hometown, Bologna,…
We Would Be Wrong I should have guessed that the experience was not going to be stellar when I saw…
Beyond London Town Somewhere in my reading, there is a quote that goes something like this: There is Paris and…
Reunion One of the reasons we made a permanent journey across the pond is that both daughters live on the…