But back to this intriguing book on grilling. Barbecue Party is written by Jean-Francois Mallet, who has created cookbooks for a Francophone audience, including one that has recipes inspired by Disney characters. While that concept wouldn’t grab me by my whisk, Barbecue Party has been a real treasure for the Master Griller at our house and for me. It is filled with spice combinations and marinades that I, the assistant to the Grilleur De La Maison, had never dreamt of. Some of the recipes just would never fly here, but I have found some real juicy ones, and this one is one of our favorites.
We serve this with the Peach and Nectarine Salad from an earlier post this month and follow it with the criminally easy lemon ice cream that Jean Hewitt and Maida Heatter made famous. Readers are still downloading this recipe since it was featured in our inaugural post in March of 2018. It is providential that this July has a fifth Wednesday so that you can do this Bonus Recipe right now.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
A Difference of Opinion There exists a cultural divide at our breakfast table - in…
A Film For The JanFebs January - the inaugural month of that period a well…
Christmas Cultural Differences This Christmas we had one foot in Italy and the other in…
Peace, Quiet, Snacks Even though La Cuisine closed in January of 2018, I still have…
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