There are probably more recipes for this Italian dessert on the Internet than there are photos of cats, but for good reason. It can be made a day or two ahead of the event, it will feed a crowd, it is so easy to put together, and it is sensationally delicious. Too many food writers make this too complicated – there is no cream, you can’t use diet ceam cheese and sponge cake or lady fingers make abysmal substitutes. In Italy, there normally is not a wedding cake, but a series of “spoon desserts”. This one was served at my dqughter’s wedding outside of Ascoli Le Marche.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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Peace, Quiet, Snacks Even though La Cuisine closed in January of 2018, I still have…
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