
Easy-Peasy Video: Zabaglione Recipe

Kitchen Detail Videos Are Coming To Town

This is what happens when you work with a video deity. Nils Bertrand will be creating more Easy-Peasy videos for Kitchen Detail, but this first one shows you how truly easy it is to create a dessert in just minutes.  Of course we both are obligated to eat the product after video production is finished.

Details, Details for the Zabaglione Recipe

I am not sure why there is a large number or recipes that make zabaglione (or zabaione) more complicated than it needs to be.  You could fold in whipped cream or meringue and refrigerate it for a more mousse-like presentation, but really it is  heavenly served just like this with seasonal fruit, or crumbled amaretti.  And you don’t need to look it up on a cooking app! It is one egg shell of sugar and one of marsala ( moscato or another dessert wine will do as well) for each egg yolk you add to the bowl. Use a wide round whisk rather than a narrow one.  And the zabaglione will be done in a few minutes. We used India Tree Caster Sugar to produce a silky texture in less time than it took to write this paragraph.  Check out our post on India Tree Sugars here

Zabaglione or Zabaione Recipe
Delicious, simple, and you don't need to write it down or look it up on an app.
Total Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 6 egg yolks (this will make 4 generous portions)
  2. 6 egg shells of caster sugar
  3. 6 egg shells of Marsala or other sweet dessert wine
  1. Fill a saute or saucepan with water (about 1 inch) and turn on heat to medium.
  2. Allow water to get to a simmer.
  3. In a heatproof bowl (I use copper) add the yolks.
  4. Add an egg shell half of sugar for each yolk ( I don't worry about size, once you crack the eggs, just pick one that is about half the size of the whole shell ).
  5. Add the Marsala or other dessert wine, again one egg shell "half" for each yolk.
  6. Using a bulb shaped whisk (it is easier to get the desired volume) whisk together.
  7. Place bowl over simmering water, whisking until you get a silky custard-like consistency.
  8. Pour into whatever individual containers you have, serve plain, or with seasonal fruits or crumbled spicy cookies.
  1. We normally use India Tree Caster Sugar for this recipe. It dissolves quickly, and has a nice flavor along with a silky texture. That said, you could certainly try a light muscovado for part of the sugar component, which will give you a different flavor profile.
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Nancy Pollard

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