I noticed in the Bialetti store on Via di Indepenenza that they sold much larger versions besides the tiny ones. Being an American who thinks bigger is always better and more economical, I asked why they didn’t get a large one and make a pot for all. I was sternly told that the coffee would not be the same as when made in each tiny pot. And you know, they were right! I bought a large one when we carried several sizes of the Bialetti Moka pots in the shop, and the coffee was better in the the smaller sizes than in the large one. I use this one pictured here only to make coffee for Espresso Granita or a couple of espresso-based cakes – which I will include in a future post.
I recently learned in one of my online Italian modules from Italiano Per La Vita (an ingenious platform
At this time, Alfonso Bialetti, an Italian engineer, worked in the French aluminum industry for a decade before returning to Italy to set up his own aluminum workshop in Crusinallo, Piedmont and later in Conchiglia. Aluminum was viewed as a 20th century metal that would be in the vanguard of design. A hotbed of Futurist artists and metal smiths such as Jean Puiforcat in France and Luigi Gennazzi in Italy certainly influenced him in his design of the now famous octagonal Moka Pot.
With the design of Luigi De Ponti (the partner in Bialetti’s little
Currently, the company, which has undergone several mergers, produces stainless steel versions of the Moka, with the advantage of not getting pock marked from detergents the way aluminum does. But this iteration lacks the iconic octagonal shape, alas. The Moka principle is still a great way to make a quick cup of coffee that is not watery and weak-flavored. In the wrong hands (mine) it’s possible to make mistakes with these lovely little pots, and I’m guilty of making many of them.
First of all, you should replace the gasket every three months if you use your coffee maker every day. Second, do not try to speed up the process by using high heat. Lower heat, which takes a bit longer, produces a better cup. Use a coffee ground not for espresso machines, which is almost like powder, but one designed for stovetop coffee makers – the grind will be more like fine sea salt. And, loosely pack and level off the ground coffee in the filter cup, but don’t tamp it. If you pre-boil the water (as for tea) and then use that water in your Moka, you will get a more aromatic cup of coffee, as the pot will not be on the burner as long. Fill the bottom chamber up to the bottom of the safety valve; don’t cover it and leave its lid up while the pot heats up. Finally, once the coffee has finished dribbling out, don’t let the steam (which will give a gurgling sound) continue to push through the filter; it will only add an unwanted bitterness to your brew. It is even advised to pick up the pot and quickly run the base under some cold water to stop the heating process. Or use a very cold cloth as shown in this snappy little tutorial.
Bialetti coffee makers are sold in the US in many stores, and of course the evil retail overlord, Amazon, has a selection of most of their coffee makers, gaskets and replacement parts. In the past I have been desperate enough about coffee to put a small pot in my suitcase since most hotel rooms only had instant coffee. Does it produce the same “espresso” as a $$$$ machine? No. the truth is that commercial espresso machines produce a little cup of coffee with nine bars of pressure while a Moka pot reaches 1.5 bars. And commercial machines regulate the water to be around 96 degrees Fahrenheit when forced over the grounds, rather than a bit over 100 degrees in the little pot. And you won’t get the desired crema. But a Moka does give you a deeper, more aromatic cup of coffee than many drip or percolator versions do and, actually, once you are in sync with the prep, it’s a lot easier. With coffee, as with pizza, less is more.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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