But why suede over terry, or silicone or quilted fabric? If you know that riveter and welder gloves were always made of leather, then you understand why we liked the idea of suede potholders so much. They are more heat and flame resistant than any fabric combination. And with silicone, both our customers and the Cuisinettes found them to be clammy and sometimes a bit iffy in its grip. And there are several tries to capture the leather benefit on the market, but the ones from Ernst and Company are the ones that should be hanging around your stove.
First a little about this unusual family and company whose logo is: Integrity in Design. Integrity in Materials, Integrity in Manufacturing.
The birth of her suede potholders is very funny. She had a suede bag displayed at her local bank with square suede color samples so prospective clients could choose a color – all were stolen. ” I wondered what use they would be to someone, as most people do not have a sewing machine strong enough to go through 6 ounces of suede. I placed a piece of suede in my hand and brainstormed. The only thing I could come up with was a potholder. I quickly cut out some suede, stitched them together and created my first pair of potholders. My suede potholders sales have steadily grown and proudly includes some very well known kitchen stores!” And La Cuisine was one of them.
Try a couple of her skillet sleeves too. They are long enough to allow your hand to have a real grip on the handle and pretty much resist burns from your hob’s heat source. Her durable coasters are made from smaller pieces of the same high-quality suede and would make a neat hostess gift – their design evolved from Tanya’s “waste not, want not” philosphy.
And as KD readers you will receive a 20% discount on your purchases from the Ernst and Company website when you use the Code KDREADERS at checkout. And shipping from Ernst & Company is always free on all orders. Tanya’s discount for KD readers ends May 31, 2019.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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