Among the schisms between the US and EU that don’t seem to be much discussed is the difference in approaches to mashed potatoes. Ours are fluffy clouds; theirs is a puddle of puree. While the potato itself is a New World vegetable, the Spanish are credited with importing spuds to Europe in the 16th century, where they served primarily as a source of food for hogs. They remained a suspect tuber for French consumption, leading to a law in 1748 that prohibited their propagation due to the fear that potatoes caused leprosy. (They don’t.)
The French have had a dramatic change of heart. Now they like to think that the potato as a mainstay on our plates was their invention (I imagine that
He was a man of diverse talents. As the Pharmacist to the French Army under Napoleon, Parmentier mandated the first smallpox vaccination, spearheaded the production of sugar from sugar beets and founded a bread baking school. Vive la variété!
No one knows the exact inventor of the potato ricer, but it did not become widely available until the 1930s. Food mills that we know today (rather than drum sieves) have been around kitchens only since 1928. We carried modern versions of all four potato tools at the shop as our customers were convinced that one or the other was the only way to make mashed potatoes. While we never had to separate arguing defenders of each type, there were always heated discussions in the shop around Thanksgiving on this subject.
Joel Robuchon probably made the most famous version of the potato purée found in many high falutin’ restaurants. I actually was told politely but firmly by a waiter in his restaurant Jamin that I had to order it. It was nice, really a lot of creamy butter molecules mixed in with a few potato molecules. I have made it once at home and below is a video illustrating the technique. This particular one does not run the potato puree through a drum sieve after the butter and milk are whisked in, a final step that the fanatical Robuchon did, at least in the cookbook I have. He used little La Ratte potatoes, which became the rage at some farmers markets in the US. And he boiled them whole in the skin, as he believed that skin preserved a superior potato flavor and kept the potatoes from absorbing too much moisture.
While this may be true, I found it unhelpful when peeling any potato hot off the stove and, while it may be ok with small thin potatoes, with larger potatoes, the exterior part of the flesh is overcooked by the time the center becomes soft. I still think Russets make the smoothest and fluffiest mashed potatoes. Running them through a food mill, even with the medium plate, leads to a flatter texture, and using a ricer (and having tried both the ones with perforated sides versus closed sides, I think the latter is preferable) produces a lighter, airier version.
I have not found Russet potatoes in my adopted city, and have been using a few other varieties. I still peel and cut them into chunks (1 1/2 inches or 2 cm) and put them in cold water in a pot on the stove. I
A bonus from making this type of mashed potatoes is that leftovers make quite a lovely soup, even better than the delicious option of reheating them and serving them with yet another helping of your once-a-year turkey. And yes, I did try the mashed potato pancakes that my mother in law used to make, and really this is so much better. For about 2- 3 cups of mashed potatoes, in a casserole lightly sauté 1/2 – 3/4 cup diced onion (it can be any variety) until soft and translucent, but not browned. Add a cup of warm broth (you should have some from your Turkey Day aftermath) and then gradually add the mashed potatoes, stirring
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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