Fueled by lingering grief, I have nursed a far-fetched dream of having a potager with a somewhat foggily designed and decorated farmhouse in either France or Italy, with a couple of good layers. But then reality hits. Fortunately, though, we are close to two very urban couples — one a transplant from France and one from Montana and Bolivia — who plucked up their courage to raise chickens in their back yards. Mike and Nils are the technological backbone of Kitchen Detail. Their adventures and knowledge are hard won, hilarious, grisly and life-affirming. I want to share their stories with you.
Mike and Susie live in Florida and had always romanticized the idea of living on a farm and being self-sufficient. If you read about market gardeners
For Sonia and Nils, while they first thought about living and working on a farm, the hard work and its precarious future made them realize how financially and physically impractical it was. Sonia had wonderful memories of spending summers with her grandmother in Franche-Comté, where there was a large vegetable and fruit garden…and chickens, which Sonia took great interest in plucking. She and Nils spent hours on the internet looking at videos and reading stories and blog entries about chickens, and I of course offered to look after the chickens when they traveled! When the lockdown became a reality, Nils and Sonia decided to purchase four chickens from a local farm supply outlet. The timing was right, as the four chicks provide entertainment and education for their two children — and for themselves.
Both couples advise to focus on the information from these two websites: backyardchickens.com and the-chicken-chick.com for the information you truly need. And these sites both have a lot of delightfully distracting articles, too, if you simply want to enjoy dreaming about eggs, chickens and coops. If you cannot find a local source for your chicks, Mike highly recommends Hoover’s Hatchery, and surprisingly, Craigslist has listings for chicks, and hens that are already layers.
Mike advises that coop placement is not a haphazard decision, because coops bring mice, rats, and cockroaches like crazy. Also, when it rains a lot, the flies and the stench can be brutal. Mike’s architectural designs were not ambitious but rather practical, and chicken apartments were added as needed. Nils, however (after all he is French) designed and built himself a Chateau des Poules based on a Belgian design that appealed to them. They even used broken chair legs as roosts. The windows have shutters with little red rooster handles. They improved on the original design, making it taller so that you could stand inside the coop and chicken courtyard. These alterations make it easier to clean and maintain the coop and to collect eggs without stooping.
A final word of caution from both couples on coop real estate: do not think that a small urban garden will co-exist happily with your chickens. Gardens have to be in a separate area unless you can control where your creatures graze. Both Mike and Nils found that chickens are like piggies with feathers. They eat EVERYTHING. Their feed, what’s on the patio table, your flowers, probably the chance Lego or Barbie doll accessory will be tasted. If your seedlings and plants aren’t chicken edible, they will try to dig them up. As barefoot children find out early on, chickens poop everywhere, even on their eggs and in their drinking water. You may want to consider a chicken tractor to regulate their production of fertilizer and guide their helpful insect-eating propensities.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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