You have a few options for extended visas in Italy – a Golden Visa program is one. You can invest a minimum of $250,000 in an Italian venture (not a residence purchase); it can be an existing company or a start up. The Golden Visa program allows you to work in Italy as well as reside with legal rights (such as admission into Italy’s national health care system). This visa is good for two years and can be renewed in three year extensions if the investment is maintained.
Another avenue is claiming citizenship (you can be a dual citizen) by Italian descent. My understanding is that
Elective residence is not citizenship. You maintain your original citizenship and passport. Once you have the Elective Residence Visa, when you enter Italy, you can then apply for a permit otherwise known as a Permesso di Soggiorno. You can, once you have been approved through the personnel in either an Italian Consulate or the Embassy, have this special visa embedded into your passport. The elective residence does not allow you to work in Italy. Each person must show that they have a minimum of $32,000 stable annual income to apply. A married couple needs to show a combined annual income of $38,000 – again it cannot be related to employment. It also is implied that you should show a certain amount in financial assets besides the minimum annual income.
Technically you can file and manage the appointments yourself and fill out the forms. which are downloadable from the Italian Embassy website. You must schedule an appointment and appear there
There are some variables in the required documents, such as a marriage license if you are applying as a couple. We did not have to get copies of our birth certificates as our marriage certificate sufficed. But we did have to submit the following documents:
Police clearance is also suggested, but we did not need it. We did include tax documents showing that we owned our home. When you have completed the form, gathered all the necessary and suggested documents, you come in person. Depending on your paperwork, you may have an interview with questions about why you want to move to Italy. You will be required to bring a postal money order or Cashier;s Check to pay a fee. They do not accept checks, credit cards or cash. We found out that we needed to send complete copies of every page of our passports as well as our drivers licenses. Your passport will be kept by the Consulate or Embassy and when you return on the date they request, your visa will be embedded. Our lawyer had briefed us thoroughly on the possibilities of the interview and had organized and filled out the documents and sent copies to the Embassy. This was enormously helpful, and we were cleared immediately.
The Questura will register your fingerprints. You should also get a Codice Fiscale at the Italian version of our IRS, which is your tax number and allows you to open a bank account and get an Italian phone number. Payment and membership into the Italian health care system can only be gotten when you have your actual residence permit. It is an annual fee of about $3000 and is not prorated. Your Permesso Di Soggiorno can be renewed as required for five years before you can apply for a permanent residence permit. After ten years, you may if you so choose, apply for Italian citizenship. With all these steps completed, I’m now devoting my energy to learning Italian. Another mountain to climb!
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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