Hearing about the Farm Bill every five years probably elicits not so much as a yawn from most of us. But unlike much legislative news that we take for granted or ignore because it’s complicated and irrelevant to our daily lives, this bill governs the food we put on our tables and should command our careful attention. Here’s a link to a list of the groups actively pushing for transformative changes in this huge piece of legislation.
The base of the Farm Bill establishes funding and regulations for nutrition, economic development of our agricultural system, and resources for food necessary to communities across the US. (The nutrition regulations were added in 1973). As consumers and voters, we need to make sure our representatives hear from us, or we need to support organizations that are pressuring members of Congress for serious improvements to our food production systems.
Currently, with very few exceptions, in the next five years about 1.5 trillion dollars of taxpayer money
Although Crop Insurance took a mere 40 billion dollars over five years, its main beneficiaries deserve a closer look. The theory behind Crop Insurance was borne out of the farming disasters that
But reading through several farm-oriented news sites that are not associated with agribusiness lobbies, I found that the Crop Insurance Title benefits almost exclusively the largest commodity farms (corn, soy, cotton, wheat, livestock) whose owners generally possess the highest levels of wealth and income. The private insurance companies that charge the premiums and dole out the payments are funded and guaranteed a substantial profit by taxpayers. Small farms, start-up farms, and particularly socially disadvantaged farmers and organic farmers have formidable barriers to accessing the Farm Bill’s crop insurance programs.
One of the reforms for the future Farm Bill sought by sustainable farming groups is to force the provisions of the Commodities Title to alter the practices of conventional farms and ranches that have inflicted so much damage to arable land and to our food. In other words, to take advantage of the income and price support offered by the Commodities Title, the horrific practices of CAFOs and the damage that has been done by continual monocrop farming would have to change under new sustainable agriculture rules.
A newcomer section of the Farm Bill introduced in 1985 authorizes voluntary programs that help
That’s why the new five-year Farm Bill that will be crafted in 2023 is so important to all consumers. A very explicit op-ed piece was written for Civil Eats by Wendy Johnson. She points out that in Iowa her family has owned a substantial conventional farm, which produces a profit growing soy and corn. She has for the last decade turned a very small part of that farm into a certified organic farm, which has revitalized the “natural resources in their
She states further, “Iowa is one of the most altered ecosystems in the world. Once a rich and diverse landscape filled with prairie grasslands and oak savannas, today it is a grid of corn and soybean fields. The state is home to some of the richest soils in the world, a natural resource that took millennia to form, but those soils are being quickly washed and blown away through stronger and stronger wind and rain events due to climate change; we’re currently losing soil faster than at the height of the 1930s dust bowl.”
She compares it to a mining state not unlike Montana — home to SuperFunds sites left behind by the Anaconda Mines. I visited the Berkeley Pit superfund site, and it was pretty horrifying. Not to mention other nightmares like the amount of chemical fertilizer run-off from the crops and liquid waste from CAFOs that contribute to dead zones in the Gulf of New Mexico.
I like her final paragraphs about the new Farm Bill. There are newer voices at the table, around 150 groups on the list linked in the opening paragraph, and I think Wendy Johnson reflects what we all want.
We need a 2023 Farm Bill that financially rewards farmers who want to grow more diverse crops, plant and preserve trees and forests, graze perennial pastures with ruminants and poultry, and implement the hundreds of other conservation practices proven to keep soil in place, and our water and air clean. And support businesses that build the infrastructure to support diversification. Doing so will make us all more resilient and won’t stop us from being able to “feed the world,” despite common misconceptions.
Simultaneously, we should disincentivize planting conventional corn in back-to-back seasons and tilling whole farm fields multiple times a year. We need to restructure commodity farm programs to be fair to all farmers and inclusive of all crops. Currently, if our corn crops fail, subsidized crop insurance will cover our losses and, in some years, we may even make more money that way than if we had farmed the land. But if we grow anything aside from corn and soybeans, it’s not protected, and we carry the loss on every acre.
The next farm bill should also include an expansion on the existing incentives for small- to mid-scale farms and businesses that produce food for local communities. We also need policies to expand and further support organic agriculture, including technical assistance, agronomists, and local infrastructure to make it easier to transition to organic, and cost share for certification. Incentives and programs that support new and beginning farmers will also be crucial to securing our food system. We need more farmers, not fewer. Current landowners should be incentivized to gradually sell their land to beginning food farmers, rather than to the highest bidder.
Kitchen Detail shares under the radar recipes, explores the art of cooking, the stories behind food, and the tools that bring it all together, while uncovering the social, political, and environmental truths that shape our culinary world.
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